Hard Science
The curse attributed
to the Chinese - “May you live in interesting times”- seems to be especially
apt today. Whether it’s the explosion of sexual genders at home -- following
the discovery that male and female are insufficient -- or the resurgence of
barbaric medieval religions abroad, modern times sure are interesting.
science has also proven to be interesting, and popular. From “The Big Bang
Theory” (a TV sitcom) to “The Theory of Everything” (a tragic love story),
science has become hip. Indeed, one
can imagine overhearing millennials at a cocktail party: “I f***ing love
science!!” Here “science” should be in quotes since the old-timers among us
would not recognize what today passes for science. Indeed, what many moderns
love is scientism, a secular replacement
for religion, with its scientist-priests surrounded by a cult of personality (See
starman Neil deGrasse Tyson, “the fetish and totem of the
extraordinarily puffed-up nerd
culture that has of late started to bloom across the United States.”)
In the real
world of the hard sciences, most of the hard work seems to be done. For
example, in physics the theories of Newton, Maxwell, Heisenberg, Einstein,
Dirac, Feynman et al provide the underpinnings of our modern understanding of
the inanimate world and the tools to create new technologies. These scientific
theories are important. Since the 1970’s, however, some physicists have turned
their attention to the extremes, from the real physical world we live in to the
singularities and the multiverse. The results have been disappointing and
mostly unimportant.
Fields of
Let us begin
with the very small. The Standard Model of Particle Physics is the combination
of quantum electrodynamics (QED), theories of the weak and strong forces and
the quark model of the fundamental particles. It has been called the “theory of
almost everything” (from the book of the same title by Robert Oerter). In fact,
the only part of the Standard Model that has been rigorously tested is QED. Theories
of the weak and strong forces were modelled on the exchange of virtual
particles borrowed from QED. (“Because physicists have only been able to think
of the same damn thing, over and over again.” Feynman, “QED” p149). The quark
model was formulated to make some sense of the zoo of fundamental particles being
created in the new atom smashers, the “fields of dreams” built for physicists.
Every collision produced new ephemeral particles that needed to be measured and
categorized. Yet the Standard Model only replaced one zoo-full of particles
with another (something like 40 quarks, anti-quarks and gluons) that have
strange properties never seen before. In fact nobody has ever observed a single
quark, but the theory explains that issue by postulating yet another strange
John Baez has a rating scale of potentially revolutionary
contributions to physics; he calls it the “crackpot index.” The index gives, for example, 5 points for a thought experiment that contradicts the results of
an actual experiment, 10 points for each favorable comparison of oneself to
Einstein, and so on. As
in golf a high score is bad. I’d like to suggest 20 points for claiming to have
the “standard model” and 50 points for a “theory of everything.” Yet physicists
from Einstein’s time to the present have been in search of the Holy Grail: a
Grand Unified Theory (GUT: 30 points) or “theory of everything.” (50)
Enter String Theory. Underlying all the particles, Superstring Theory (It’s
already been upgraded by a second “revolution”) assumes there are more fundamental
entities having some properties of strings. The basic “strings” are mighty
small, with a length equal to the “Planck length”
(about 10-33 cm). Like a
violin string under tension, the quantum strings support standing waves,
and the fundamental particles of matter are thought to correspond to different vibration
frequencies, with masses given by hν/c2.
The basic idea is pretty simple, but the theory quickly becomes muy complex and unsettling.
Superstring Theory
requires 10 dimensions of space, a major problem
since the 10 dimensions must be “compactified” to the physically realizable 4
dimensions, and there appears to be an infinite number of ways to do that. The
current thinking is that the theory allows an astronomically large number of
physical possibilities (and universes), so it seems impossible to ever test it.
Peter Woit has called the theory “Not Even Wrong,” the title of his recent
book. Dick Feynman said that “String theorists don’t make predictions, they
make excuses.” Normally such criticism would cause one to run for the exits,
but string theorists seem to be a hardier lot, not easily frightened.
In the land
of the very large, theories of the universe, while beginning on a firm footing,
have lately gone off the deep end. The cosmological models based on General
Relativity had some successes. To the extent it has been possible to test
General Relativity, its predictions have always been borne out by experiment
(gravitational light shifts, precession of planets, bending of light,
gravitational time dilation effects on GPS, etc, etc.) The existence of Black
Holes is consistent with stellar orbits near galactic centers and with the current
understanding of quasars. The predicted expansion of space, while
non-intuitive, is consistent with the observed cosmological redshifts. The
existence of 3 degree background radiation and the primordial amounts of the
lightest nuclei (but not Lithium) also support the standard model. So far it’s
a reasonable theory.
The problems
began when theorists tried to explain details of the model relating to the first
femto-atto-wink by invoking new stuff, from “dark matter” and “dark energy” to
“inflation” that have no basis in experimental fact. Today much of experimental
cosmology has devolved into massive searches for the strange stuff and probes
of the horizon. (Astronomer Mike Disney: “Statistical studies of faint objects
can keep a career going for ages without the need for a single original
thought.”) On the theoretical side, the
cosmologists have joined forces with the particle physicists in trying to
invent new ways of explaining the singularity.
It seems
that a more productive enterprise would involve questioning and improving the
theoretical bases of the standard cosmological model. For example, the
assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy that underlie standard cosmology are
gross approximations. General Relativity has only been tested in the weak field
approximation that is nothing like the early universe as it is theorized.
Furthermore, when gravitational forces are strong enough quantum effects must
be taken into account. Thus a quantum theory of gravity would be needed.
The current
leading contender is Loop Quantum Gravity which tries to quantize space itself, in other words, treat space like it
comes in small chunks. LQG takes the smooth fabric of space-time in General Relativity
and asks whether, like a normal fabric, it might be made up of smaller, Planck scale fibers woven together into quantized volumes. LQG theory predicts that the speed of light
has a small dependence on energy. Photons of higher energy travel slightly
slower than low-energy photons. The effect is very small, but it amplifies over
long distances. Unfortunately for LQG, the Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope results released in 2009 refute this prediction. (The
prediction was debated on an episode of The Big Bang Theory, where a young
couple on both sides of the LQG-String debate argue about how their children
will be raised: loopy or stringy.)
Real Physics
alternative to all this speculation would be to compactify our hubris. Imagine
that the “initial state” of the universe was not the Big Bang singularity but
rather the photon-dominated stage that we identify in the present model as a
few minutes after the singularity. In our initial state, the fundamental forces
and particles already exist and are moving at non-relativistic speeds. The matter
density is low enough that General Relativity works just fine. A little bit
after our new t = 0 the protons plus neutrons begin to form the lighter nuclei.
Quantum gravity, inflation and exotic particles are not needed. Nor is Superstring
theory. What happened before our new beginning? Who cares; it’s not important.
Thousands of
physicists could give up chasing daydreams and return to doing physics that
mattered. (If they are qualified. Sheldon Glashow wonders whether physicists
whose expertise is limited to string theory will be employable when the “string
snaps.”) And for those of us who are skeptics, we can stop wasting time trying
to discredit the Big Bang and spend our time working on the unsolved problems
in physics. There are so many. Some examples taken from Wikipedia:
1. What mechanism causes certain
materials to exhibit superconductivity at higher temperatures?
2. What's the momentum of photons in
optical media?
3. Are there non-local phenomena in
quantum physics other than entanglement? Are they useful?
4. Why is gravity so much weaker than
5. How can plasmas be confined long
enough and at a high enough temperature to create fusion power?
6. How can turbulence be understood
and its effects calculated?
7. What is the lifetime of the proton
and how do we understand it?
8. Are all the measurable dimensionless parameters that
characterize the physical universe calculable in principle?
9. How do genes govern our body,
withstanding different external pressures?
10. Is dark matter responsible for the observed
rotational speeds of stars revolving around the center of galaxies, or is
it something else?
The last question has been
addressed by Feng and Gallo who show that dark matter is not necessary.
Let’s all get back to doing real
A few good books about the crisis
in physics are the following:
The End of Science by John Horgan
Bankrupting Physics by Alexander Unzicker and Sheila Jones
Not Even Wrong by Peter Woit
The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin