Friday, June 10, 2005

What are Judeo Christian Values?

Part 4: Your Dog or a Stranger?

Would you first save the dog you love or a stranger if both were drowning? The answer depends on your value system. One of the most obvious and significant differences between secular and Judeo-Christian values concerns human worth. One of the great ironies of secular humanism is that it devalues the worth of human beings. The Nazis, the cruelest group in modern history, were also the most pro-animal rights group prior to the contemporary period. They outlawed experimentation on animals and legalized experimentation on human beings.

Part 5: What are Judeo-Christian Values?

How can there be such a thing as Judeo-Christian values when Judaism and Christianity have different, sometimes mutually exclusive, beliefs? The most important answer is that beliefs and values are not the same things. Both religions are based on the Old Testament, which Judaism and Christianity hold to be divine or divinely inspired. Judeo-Christian values combine the two religions' strengths -- the Jewish emphasis on moral works in this world with the Christian emphasis on keeping God at the center of one's values and works.


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