Blogging the Year
On a day when Judge Samuel Alito is confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice and President Bush is due to deliver the State of the Union speech, I realized that the one year birthday of PalosVerdesBlog passed by without my notice. Yes, I’ve been driving the blog machine since Jan. 7, 2005.
I decided to look at the stats to see what topics I covered the most and what posts generated the most feedback. In the year I wrote 291 posts, approximately 8 posts every 10 days, each about 2 pages in length (approximately 600 words) on a wide range of topics. The most common topics were:
Liberals/Democrats – 40
Military/War - 29
Popular Culture - 24
Religion - 22
Conservatives/GOP - 20
Judiciary - 18
Family/Friends - 17
Blogs/Blogging - 13
Education - 13
Intelligent Design - 13
Global Warming - 12
Economics - 11
Foreign Policy - 11
Science - 10
Humor - 10
Europe - 10
I considered lumping Europe together with Humor, but decided against due to England, Ireland and the new Eastern countries like Poland.
It’s clear that I can’t get enough of Libs and Dems, perhaps because I’m recovering from both afflictions. Those posts also tend to receive a lot of comments, not all of them flattering. (LOL) But with so much material produced every day by the left wing loons, it is such a treasure trove for bloggers.
Take the meeting last night billed as the forum on "The Impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney." David Swanson, a labor union official who runs "Impeach PAC," asked the audience, "Does the Democratic Party want to continue to exist or does it want to ignore what 85 percent of its supporters want?" And then it got nasty.
Saddam Hussein's lawyer and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark said the Bush administration is "the greatest threat to peace, to human rights, to economic justice worldwide."
Hugo Chavez's friend Cindy Sheehan condemned the administration's agenda "to spread the cancer of empire." (She was just arrested by the Capitol Police)
Referring to the Bush administration: "These criminals and gangsters, thugs as I regard them, I believe engineered 9/11" declared one of the attendees.
Hugh Hewitt played “Name the Nutter” with these sound bites on his show today.
And then there was Teddy Kennedy nearly blowing up in the Senate chamber while incoherently bashing Sam Alito.
These guys are the gifts that keep on giving to the Republican Party and to right wing bloggers like moi.
Anyway here are the most popular pieces from the last year based on the number of comments received.
My Birthday Ride (Aug. 5, 2005), Conservatives Debate Harry (Oct. 11), I’m Thankful For.. (Nov. 24), So What’s Wrong with the Public Schools (Jan. 8), Torture Test (Dec. 11), Real Science (Aug. 16), Rebuilding the Man (Sept. 30), More Lessons from Katrina (Sept 5), Definition of a Liberal (Dec. 29), Liberals are Dangerous (Dec. 30), Myths of Evolution (Dec. 17), Conservative Babes (Dec. 12), Men are Smarter (Sept. 21), Global Warming Postscript (Feb. 18), 2006 Predictions and Hopes (Jan. 3, 2006).
It’s been fun! Thanks for reading palosverdesblog and thanks especially for your comments and suggestions.