Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Three Wise Men

As a retiree and a recovering liberal, I have become an ardent student of conservative talk radio. The very best radio in Los Angeles is AM870, KRLA, where every weekday I can tune in to Dennis Prager (9AM -12PM), Michael Medved (12-3PM) and Hugh Hewitt (3-6PM).

Dennis Prager has been called “a moral compass” with a mission to “get people involved with what is right and wrong.” He is the author of three books and is currently writing a book on the case for Judeo Christian values, releasing chapters weekly on his web site

Michael Medved, our “cultural crusader,” is the author of a great new book, Right Turns, that chronicles his own turn away from the liberal left. Medved's show is unique, as he gives priority to callers who disagree with him. Mike’s web site is

Hugh Hewett is a constitutional law professor at Chapman University Law School, an author and “the unofficial historian of the blogging movement.” Hugh’s book, Blog, encouraged me to start palosverdesblog. Hugh’s web site is full of insightful commentary and is linked to the very best of the center-right blogs.

This morning on Dennis Prager’s show I had the unique pleasure of listening to all three wise men discussing the moral and legal complexities of the Terri Schiavo case; sobering and sad. But the show format needs to be repeated. Do us all a favor, gentlemen, make this a weekly event rotating among your three shows.


Blogger Ralph said...

Being a recovering retiree, I don't have the time to catch the three wise men together or seperately consistently. I catch an hour of Hugh in the evening commute and sometimes part of Dennis who is broadcast following Hugh up here.
I enjoy the clarity of thinking about issues which get misreported by MSM and badly bruised by my not-so-clear thinking workmates, but I burn out with issues like Terri Schiavo. Not because I disagree, but because I can do nothing. Now that she is dead, what can we do to change the direction of our country's morality. How can we appreciate God's plan for Terri and help fulfill it? And I am no evangelical Christian fanatic - just a lapsed Lutheran.
Talk is great but I want action.
Have you signed Arnold's petitions yet?

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more. I caught part of the show, but was disappointed that three such fine minds spent yet another hour on the Schiavo saga. Would have really enjoyed the gathering had they debated taxes, courts, Social Security, campus or media bias, or any pressing issue.


3:26 PM  

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