Sunday, April 24, 2005

Vile France

You may be wondering where the lefties got their absurd ideas about the “Second Bill of Rights.” (“What Liberals Think About the Constitution,” 4/23/05). It’s France of course! Ever since the French stabbed us in the back over the Iraq war and the “Oil for Food” scandal, Americans have awakened to an ugly fact that the French governments have hidden for a very long time. France has been an enemy of the United States since before we were a country. Indeed, former French president Francois Mitterrand said a few years ago, “We are at war with America. Yes, a permanent war, a vital war, a war without casualties, at least on the surface.

Several books have been written on the subject of French perfidy over the last two years. I recommend “The French Betrayal of America” by Kenneth Timmerman, “Our Oldest Enemy” by John Miller, “Hating America” by John Gibson and the most recent book “Vile France: Fear, Duplicity, Cowardice and Cheese” by Denis Boyle.

In “Vile France,” Boyle describes the way of life in “elite-infested” France. “The result is a nation reliant on a kind of pervasive bribery, one that promises citizens a basket of expensive ‘rights’ – including paid vacations, free health care, free university tuition, a huge educational bureaucracy that acts as a day care for French kids as young as two, pensions that are literally larger than life and a work week that, by law, stops at 35 hours no matter what. Hovering over all these guarantees are mammoth national unions, like the CGT, the last redoubt of France’s once-mighty Communist Party. ... If you want to see a perfectly performed Gallic shrug, simply ask about the cost of any of them.” The cost is a craven, insecure, selfish, clueless, overtaxed, underemployed, culturally exhausted country “headed for a demographic cul-de-sac.”

Friday night on C-Span I watched French President Jacques Chirac answer questions from a hall full of French 20-30 some-things on the prospects for the European Union. (Following our President’s lead, I’ll call him) Jack was asked by a bright but sad female lawyer, “What is the EU going to do for me? I’ve been out of law school 3 years and all the work I can find is as a store clerk.” In a style reminiscent of John Kerry, Jack responded, at length, about the wonders of the European Constitution, how it would enshrine all the superior French values like liberte’, egalite’, fraternite’ in the whole of Europe, thereby bringing the benighted masses up to near parity with the French. What more could one want? Why are you so sad?

The female lawyer wanted a job. When Jack asked if she would vote to ratify the EU Constitution, she replied “no way, Jacke’.”


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