Friday, June 10, 2005

Moral Absolutes

Part 11: Moral Absolutes

In the Judeo-Christian value system, God is the source of moral values and therefore what is moral and immoral transcends personal or societal opinion. Without God, each society or individual makes up its or his/her moral standards. But once individuals or societies become the source of right and wrong, these are merely adjectives describing one's preferences. This is known as moral relativism, and it is the dominant attitude toward morality in modern secular society. That is why our culture has so venerated the Ten Commandments -- it is a fixed set of God-given moral laws and principles. But that is also why opponents of America remaining a Judeo-Christian country, people who advocate moral relativism, want the Ten Commandments removed from all public buildings. The Ten Commandments represents objective, i.e., God-based morality.

Part 12: The Jews Have a Mission Too

Ask believing Christians what their mission as Christians is, and it is likely they will answer, "to bring people to Christ" or "spread the Gospel." The Jews' mission is as it always has been -- to bring the world to ethical monotheism. Ethical monotheism means there is one God and therefore one moral standard that He has revealed, and He holds all humans accountable to it. This is the point of Jewish chosenness. Were Jews true to their mission, they would stand alongside Christians who work to bring the Torah's values to the world. Jews should therefore be in the forefront of those spreading Judeo-Christian values. Some are, but most, religious and secular, are not.


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