Hallelujah, it's scAlito
Susan Estrich,
miss smarty-pants,
and Professor of Law and Political Science
at USC law School
I ran into Susan Estrich today and we had a nice chat. No, really, Susan was a co-participant at the Milken Institute's State of the State conference at the Beverly Hilton where I was also, due to the generosity of my good friend and Milken Research Fellow Lorna Wallace. More on the conference tomorow.
Anyway, during a coffee break I spotted Estrich and spontaneously blurted one of my patented intro lines: Hey, I know you!
Well, Susan was very gracious, kindly answering several of my rapid fire questions. To wit: How come Bill O'Reilly was so mean to you on his show last week?
Weeellll, (Ya'll know how Susan drags it out) O'Reilly just hates women!!
Feeding the flame, I agreed and noted that Bill is also mean to Ann Coulter. Weeellll, Susan was having none of that, making it very clear that Bill is much meaner to progressive women.
Next question: So what do you think of the Supreme Court nominee?
Weeelll, if you mean SCALITO, weeelll, Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer should be very happy!! After what they did to that nice Harriet Maiers.
So now I know that Sam Alito, ScAlito to his friends who compare him to Justice Antonin Scalia, is a great pick. That was confirmed by two of the initial salvos from the left: 1. He's a Catholic and we already have four of them on the Supreme Court. 2. When he was a federal prosecutor he lost a case against the Mafia.
Aha!! A Catholic and an Italian too, can't have him on the Court.
Hallelujah, Bush did a good thing here.