Friday, April 08, 2005

What Liberals Think About Academia

Reverence is the word that first comes to mind. Academia is the Mount Olympus of the secular faith, inhabited by the high priests of the left. When liberals look to university campuses they see 1960’s caricatures of themselves, frozen in time and ideology.

According to a new study by Robert Lichter of George Mason University, Stanley Rothman of Smith College and Neil Nevitte of the University of Toronto, “college faculties lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined.”

“By their own description, 72% of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15% are conservative. The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where 87% of faculty are liberal and only 13% are conservative. The professors are in favor of abortion rights (84%); believe homosexuality is acceptable (67%); and want more environmental protection "even if it raises prices or costs jobs" (88%).

What's more, the study found, 65% want the government to ensure full employment, a stance to the left even of the Democratic Party.”

These professors are ideologically out of step with the majority of Americans. A Harris Poll of the general public last year found that 33% describe themselves as conservative and only 18% as liberal. Thus university faculties are about 4 times as liberal as the public at large. One wonders how the academies got to be so intensely liberal.

According to the liberal media pundits it is the Republican’s fault. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman asserts that one reason is “self-selection - the same sort of self-selection that leads Republicans to outnumber Democrats four to one in the military. The sort of person who prefers an academic career to the private sector is likely to be somewhat more liberal than average, even in engineering.” Krugman has a point here, since real men tend to like the competition found in the military and in business.

Then, however, Krugman dives into the fever swamp claiming that the Republican Party “is increasingly dominated by people who believe truth should be determined by revelation, not research - doesn't respect science or scholarship in general. It shouldn't be surprising that scholars have returned the favor by losing respect for the Republican Party.”

So let’s see, Republicans and conservatives do not respect scholarship or science. But liberals, as we all know, have a deep respect of science, particularly social science, political science, even library science. They pretend that courses in Chicano Studies, Women’s Studies and Peace Studies are scientifically based. They revere intellectuals such as anti-American linguist Noam Chomsky of MIT and African-American studier and hip-hopper Cornel West of Princeton.

On the flip side, mathematician James Miller was recently denied tenure by the Smith College faculty for being a known conservative. Fortunately, Smith's faculty Grievance Committee found that Miller's academic freedom had been violated during the tenure review and tenure was granted. Dr. Miller advises other conservatives to think twice about joining the ranks of academia. In a recent commentary Miller addresses Krugman’s claims.

“Of course, recent events at Harvard indicate that it's the academic left that rejects science. Harvard President Larry Summers was castigated for suggesting that politically incorrect science be conducted. Dr. Summers infamously suggested that researchers consider the possibility that biology partially explains the dearth of female science professors. For this comment, his Arts and Science faculty passed a resolution expressing lack of confidence in him.” Furthermore, urged on by their leftist faculties the “presidents of Stanford, MIT and Princeton have condemned Larry Summers for the crime of politically incorrect speculation.”

Most of the leftists in humanities departments don't even believe in science and are offended when hard scientific knowledge is given preference over other types of knowledge. “Leftists have been known to use literary theory to demonstrate flaws in science. Such anti-scientific silliness led to the Social Text hoax.”

Physics professor Alan Sokal of New York University was bothered by the anti-scientific viewpoints of many left-wing humanities professors who often used their French literary theories to attack science. “To prove that these humanities professors actually knew nothing about real science he wrote an article titled Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity agreeing with the leftists' view of science. But as the author himself wrote, his article contained a mélange of truths, half-truths, quarter-truths, falsehoods, non sequiturs, and syntactically correct sentences that have no meaning whatsoever. The article was, however, published in 1996 by the academic journal Social Text as a serious piece criticizing the scientific method.

Only after it appeared did Professor Sokal reveal that his article was a parody. That such an article could get published would surprise few Republican college professors as we well understand how many leftist humanities professors both hate science and are ignorant of its workings.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with much of what you say here. One point, however, I think misses the mark. There is plenty of competition in academia - not physical, but competition just the same - for grants, for first publishing etc. Unfortunately the rules of fair play and legitimacy are frequently ignored by those esteemed academicians. On another point, while MIT had its Chomsky, my experience showed most of the faculty to not be the flaming liberal kind. But that was also thirty years ago.

Re the scientific method, unfortuantely we see that ignorance all to frquently. Look at the OJ Simpson trial. Look at Clinton defining "is", look at the defense of that nut from Colorado (did you see his attorney on Fox the other night?) "the prof was not falsely completing the minority application if he truly believed he was native american." Pure BS.

We have a societal problem, not simply a liberal academia problem


12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are not only left leaning, many do not know technology or how to use it! Each university and school are “accredited” by groups such as WASC but that is merely a group that comes through, sees what it wants to see and moves on giving high marks to the schools. Yet, this is a requirement by these groups and they don’t even notice the lack.

In addition to left leaning, many take sabbaticals, one whole year – full salary paid – and create nothing! Taxpayers carry the burden for the paid vacations.

In addition, most professors teach 4 classes a week at the University level and 5 at the community college level or 20 hours a week. That’s it! The other twenty hours is for school work or committee meetings, etc. What a boondoggle!


12:53 PM  
Blogger Zaak said...

Hi. I'm a socialist. I'm also a Christian. I'm also a teacher. I'm also a Canadian. Looking south I recognize a serious manifestation of ignorance. The focus of the media and population on meaningless American pop icons and the navel-gazing political debates have caused Americans in general to believe in their superiority in the world. This Manifest Destiny, a manifesto wholeheartedly supported by both Democrats and Republicans, has caused a rift between the world and the USA. My hope is that Americans will recognize the crimes they have committed against the environment, against culture, against the impoverished people of the world (specifically Chile, Guatemala, Panama, Marshall Islands, Grenada, Iraq, Venezuela, Vietname, Korea (N&S), Mexico, and on and on and on). Once the admission has been made, then I believe people will be more willing to accept the US as a peer rather than a bully.

Regarding Chomsky - read his work. I'd like to hear for once a reasonable challenge to his work rather than a blanket statement calling him an American hater or an ignorant communist.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiotic professor, Ward Churchhill also takes this position. The US is to blame for everything. This is a typical liberal stance - of course they don't explain why the Taliban destroyed 3000 year old statues, and didn't let women work and let children starve - were we to blame for that also?

4:33 PM  
Blogger Ralph said...

I take no criticism as an American from a Canadian regarding anything. Canada is, by choice, a non-entity in the world community proudly standing for nothing.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And on a lighter note than pure appeal lawyer , check out the funniest trial transcript ever! If it's not serious enough of a topic, well, just pretend it's the Brit's version of appeal lawyer !

11:28 AM  

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