Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Moral Idiots

Thanks to Maggie for her heartfelt comments on my last post (“Not Guilty???”):

It's a sad day when we don't listen to our children. I see children every day who have severe problems due to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse by adults. Their biggest fear is that no one will believe them … so they keep the secret and the innocence of childhood is gone forever.” (Maggie)

My conclusion on the Jackson travesty was that fans and jurors who could excuse his behavior must be “moral idiots.” Sadly, I fear there is an overabundance of “moral idiots” in Western civilization, many in America. Indeed, the subject of moral idiocy is a treasure trove of material for a blogger. And the insidious and dangerous impact of moral idiots on civilized society is worth our attention.

Take, for one example, the sexual liberation movement in America that has devolved from the “Sex and the City” gals to the lower levels of grade school. Following are two typical cases.

1. Public schools in Massachusetts administer an explicit sex survey to sixth-graders that solicits answers to such questions as "How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?" and "The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom?" Parents were not allowed to view copies of the survey because the school committee felt parents would "misinterpret" the questions.

According to an outraged parent: "In the 6th grade – these are children 11 or 12 years old – they are being asked if they have ever engaged in oral sex, when was the first time that they engaged in oral sex, with how many different people have they engaged in oral sex?”

Another sex survey being administered to eighth-graders asks students to identify themselves as heterosexual, gay or lesbian, or bisexual.

2. A sex education manual for children aged 13 to 16, published by Britain's Family Planning Association, describes how to perform various sexual acts including anal and oral sex, and includes a chapter titled, "How can I be good at sex?" One example explains, "No-one is born sexually experienced, and most of the fun is learning. Talk to your partner. Ask what they like. Be aware of their feelings as well as your own pleasure."

The booklet encourages children to explore their homosexual attractions, and contains details on masturbation. And the value of sex-ed for children: The UK has Europe's highest teen pregnancy rate, along with a skyrocketing incidence of sexually transmitted disease.

Meanwhile, the abstinance approach to teen sexuality is ridiculed and suppressed by organizations including Planned Parenthood, NOW and public school administrations. Yet the data show that the faith based approach works.

The Best Friends program is among the most effective of these according to a recent study by Dr. Robert Lerner published in the peer-reviewed journal Adolescent & Family Health. Lerner’s study found that students who took part in Best Friends are:

> 6 ½ times more likely to remain sexually abstinent.
> Nearly twice as likely to abstain from drinking alcohol.
> Eight times more likely to abstain from drug use.
> More than twice as likely to refrain from smoking.

One would think that these results would cause lawmakers to rethink how government deals with destructive teen behavior. One would be wrong. The government continues to spend $12 on “safe sex” and contraception promotion for every $1 it spends on abstinence. This doesn’t stop groups such as the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) from attempting to eliminate abstinence programs and replace them with “comprehensive” sex education devoted to promoting contraception among teens. (
Melissa Pardue, The Heritage Foundation).


Blogger Ralph said...

This is what passes for education and where our money goes.

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...well actually I don't think these jurors are necessarily moral idiots. Their decision was not to be made on Jackson's behavior but on the evidence presented to them. From what I saw it seemed to be six one, half dozen the other with regard to evidence. And I wasn't privy to all that those jurors heard and saw.

As I posted elsewhere here, I believe the case, in large part, hinged on the fact that the accuser and his family are proven liars. Unfortunately, perhaps that came back to bite them. We may never know.

Our justice system leaves A LOT to be desired because it's a human institution with human rules. Only God can bring in true justice. "Vengence is mine, I will repay" said the Lord. I'll leave this one, O.J., et al to Him.

Dori Medina

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, you know what I think about this .....

"Public schools in Massachusetts administer an explicit sex survey to sixth-graders that solicits answers to such questions as 'How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?' and 'The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom?"

What is this school district prepared to do when the child responds ... "yes, I was forced into oral sex or intercourse with my stepfather" ..... are they willing to protect this child to the fullest extent of the law. I'll bet not.


3:13 PM  

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